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which statement about the new deal is true quizlet


H. explored the Mississippi River for France. Which two New Deal programs did the Supreme Court rule unconstitutional? Which of the following does NOT accurately describe a result of "the southern veto"? BY 1935, Huey Long and Francis Townsend had made which of the following approaches to economic recovery less promising for the New Dealers? How did the government under the New Deal approach the precarious and poor conditions in which migrant laborers lived? c. provided pensions to the aged and unemployment benefits. The Southern Conference for Human Welfare tried to promulgate a program of aggressive action to _____. What led African American farmers to form groups such as the Southern Tenant Farmers Union? When Mary McLeod Bethune remarked that the New Deal offered African-Americans a new day, she: Expressed the hope for change despite continued discrimination in federal housing and employment. c. Blacks lost the right to vote across the South. F. condemned the treatment of Native Americans. What did the Filipino Repatriation Act offer Filipinos? Finally, the Fair Labor Standards Acts of 1938 established minimum wages and maximum working hours. Harold Ickes directed which of the following? Opening statements conclude in Trump's trial over E. Jean Carroll's Redefined the role of First Lady, championing women's rights, civil rights, and human rights. Identify the proposals planned by the Southern Negro Youth Conference (SNYC) to improve economic and interracial conditions in the South, Calling on blacks to use the ballot and put political pressure to get more blacks elected to local school boards Which of the following statements best describes the CIO's philosophy about the role of government in relation to labor? Which of the following Second New Deal measures came closest to meeting the demands of the Congress of Industrial Organizations for workplace democracy? In the following sentence, insert a caret (^) to show where an apostrophe should be inserted. Identify a true statement about the political beliefs of African Americans at the time of Roosevelt's second presidential campaign in 1936. e. free transportation to those who wanted to get back to the Philippines. Which of the following is true about the program of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) launched in 1937? _____ led black voters to question and ultimately reject old political allegiances in 1934. How did FDR describe the notion of a "liberty of contract"? Which of the following statements best describes the CIO's philosophy about the role of government in relation to labor? Why was the Glass-Steagall Act a key piece of legislation? in general, women . e. Social Security was a Second New Deal program. The characterization of blacks in the film Tales of Manhattan, Duke Ellington's musical _____, which ran for three months in Los Angeles, was described by him as representing "an attempt to correct the race situation in the United States, through a form of musical propaganda . Why did Roosevelt's Republican challenger, Alfred Landon, fail in his bid for the presidency in 1936? After a five-year court battle, the International Labor Defense secured Herndon's freedom. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . _____ was awarded the Oscar for Best Supporting Actressthe first black actor to win an Oscar. b. established temporary relief camps for displaced migrant workers. Behind the Backlash Against Bud Light's Transgender Influencer. How did the federal government institutionalize racism during the New Deal? e. Upton Sinclair won the Democratic nomination for governor in 1934. During the 1930s, what was one way Franklin Roosevelt's administration approached civil liberties? During the electoral campaign of 1932, which was the divisive issue between Republicans and Democrats? e. promised a "new deal" for the American people. b. Choose the best answer for the question below. The shift among black voters appeared dramatically in the Illinois congressional race of 1934, when _____. Adolph HIlter Which statement about the Indian New Deal is false? Which of the following is the most accurate characterization of FDR's New Deal philosophy? The result of this appeal was the first meeting of the _____, held in February 1937 in Richmond, Virginia. It was original in its concept and design. Identify a true statement about the National Industrial Recovery Act passed in the 1933. Which of the following best describes the Works Progress Administration? e. as an effort by the government to protect and deliver for the people. The number of black cabinet members was more.

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