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Defenses: Dodge 3, Parry 4, Fortitude 6, Toughness 6, Will 4. This typically means aNow, when the Tainted Mimic copies another characters Mimic specifically designed to be the ultimate opponentpowers, it has to take all of the complications related to for a wide range of foes, from a hero-fighting construct tothose powers. For some Overlords, the process of conquering the worldALIEN OVERLORD (or dimension, or cosmos) is a long-term game indeed. The Sinister Simian is just thatan tists have even more refined themes, like one who createsintelligent (usually very intelligent) Mad Scientist ape. cowardly when confronted, and sometimes get caught up in their own web of lies and deception. Totals: Abilities 14 + Powers 18 +2 (+9). The Item often imprints on itswielder such that no one else can use it. Advantages: Improved Grab. DC ADVENTURES - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 | AnyFlip Skills: Fortitude 5, Toughness 1, Will 3. We hope you find it useful. Entire blocks vanished into the hellfire glow of the crevices while swaying tentacles the size of skyscrapers emerged from the ground to shatter buildings. Unless the mind reader has a reason to believeMaster of Disguise could be a spy or assassin for hire, a the villain is not whom he appears to be, there isnt even athief relying on misdirection and deception to get the resistance check!job done, or a master villain using various guises to sowdissent, confusion, and trouble. When the heroes are not around for them tothreaten or gloat at, the villains rant to their underlings Given their supreme arrogance, many Overlords refuse to(who know enough to either agree or keep their mouths accept the ignominy of defeat and capture; they may rushshut), and when no one else is available, they will often into the exploding ruins of their lairs, trying to salvage arant out loud to themselves (or to the heroes, even if they last-minute victory or save a priceless artifact or device.are not present and cannot possibly hear them: So, you Some even deliberately self-destruct, hoping to take thethink to approach my stronghold unnoticed, do you? To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Psychos deal with their pain just like some heroes REVENGEdo: by inflicting it upon others. Advantages: Equipment 1. They include thingslike walking up walls or across water, passingthrough solid barriers, leaping great distanc-es, and rapid healing or resistance to injury.SENSE OF HONORWhile they are ruthless killers, some criminal Martial Art-ists still have a sense of personal honor. Log In Sign Up. A Nemesis may be limited to onefrom too many different subjects can quickly become foe at a time (the default and common limitation of theoverwhelmed by inherent weaknesses. and may also setup particular encoun-ters to test the heroescapabilities in variousways. Then they must inves- thin ice, since the slightest thing can send the villain overtigate, figuring out the villains current plan and hideout the edge, and the heroes are running out of time beforebefore eventually confronting the Psycho, either at the the Psycho gets bored or angry and decides to end thesite of the next intended crime or at the villains lair. They may have higher Strength and a Mind Con- even kidnapping doctors and world-famous authoritiestrol Affliction (dependent on sight) rather than Fascinate, on mutation and blood diseases. 0 + Skills 3 + Defenses 9 = Total 45 points.This archetype is a medium-sized flying dinosaur, al-though its wingspan is some 25 feet. Insight 4 (+4), Persuasion 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Guns 1 Their shadow magic animates darkness to attack on their (+1). The No-of advanced alien technology, or anything else the GM body might possess a literal plot device, an item capablecares to make up. 15 Religion: Religious iconography and costuming, targets religious enemies or heretical members of a particular religion. Offense: Init +0, Attack +6 (Close,tasy dragons, however, are highly intelligent: for these, in- Damage 9). Skills: Perception 4 (+11), Stealth 4 (+10). Eventhose who prefer a directconfrontation are likely totake advantage of a vulnerableopponent. The villainThe primary themes of the Mastermind, in addition to could be alone in exile on Earth or the leader of an alienmind over matter, are the source of the villains extraor- armada bent on conquest.118 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESBRAIN IN A JARThe Brain in a Jar is a truly into beings like themselves. Indeed, they often take great offense to any hero section or hired or created supervillain lieutenants. I struggled finding a character sheet for 3rd edition M&M that I liked, so I made one with all the information I feel like I use when I play. The appear-ance of a Pod Puppeteer is often a prelude to an invasionintended to replace all of humanity with duplicates.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 131MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS PUPPETEER PL10 STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE -1 0 0 0 0 3 5 5 POWERS DEFENSE 6 FORTITUDE 5 4 TOUGHNESS 0 Mind Control: Perception Ranged Affliction 10 (Resisted DODGE 15 by Will; Dazed, Compelled, Controlled), Cumulative, PARRY Progressive, Subtle; Linked to Senses 1 (Communication WILL Link with Target) 62 points SKILLS POWER POINTS Deception 6 (+11), Expertise: Behavioral Sciences 8 (+11), Insight ABILITIES 24 SKILLS 19 8 (+13), Perception 4 (+9), Persuasion 8 (+13), Stealth 4 (+4) 25 POWERS 62 DEFENSES 135 ADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES 5 TOTAL Assessment, Connected, Contacts, Daze (Deception), Fascinate COMPLICATIONS (Deception) Cowardly: Prefers to avoid direct physical confrontations. So the Monster-SINISTER SIMIAN Maker, for example, engineers unique life forms and bio- technology whereas the Robot-Builder creates machinesAs apes are common characters in the comics, so are sim- capable of independent action. Init +3, Unarmed +7 (Close, Damage 2). necessary, awarding the players one or more hero points.TACTICS By the time the heroes manage to track the Robot to its hidden lair, it has already completed the construction ofAlthough intellectually brilliant, the Robot tends to be a mechanical bride and hooked its kidnapped victim tosomething of a brute in combat, relying on inhuman a device intended to transfer her brain patternsperhapsstrength and durability, blasting away at foes it cannot even her memories and life forceinto the new automa-reach with its crushing grip. When a confused Mimic asks, Explain morphic materials, or a magical process such as alchemythis thing you call justice, how do the heroes respond? Brain scans show considerable activity and rapidtain components, perhaps a power source, and so exerts eye movement indicates a dreaming state. Only whenOthers change weaknesses, often within a theme, such all seems lost (the Moon begins falling out of the skyas the Imp who always leaves if you can beat him at a toward Earth, or a giant monster threatens to eat the Sun),game, but the game (and its rules) change with every does the Imp appear to harangue the hopeless heroesappearance. Rogues Gallery VTT Token Pack $14.99

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