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lenni lenape language to love one another


Elitehat, as he thinks. Gunigischuk, daily. cricket; (tschelo'tschelos, an imitative word. Pachkenum, dark; (should be pak'enum, as below. Wemihilleu, it is all gone, it is all spent. Wdallemunsin, to have cattle. to walk morally or otherwise, not literally. Nukachtummen, to forsake, to leave. Moschpekat, clear water. (gichtameneu, he is A.) Pawallsoagan, wealth, riches. Wulapeju, just, upright, honorable. Maskekhanne, muddy creek in a swamp. WebTo these facts we can add the little that is known about the Lenape Indians. Queneuhappachpoon, table. Niskelendam, to loathe. Pegenawan, to dress somebody, to clothe someone. Schingaluet, enemy, adversary. it is full of leaves; compare wunissak (arch., A.). to make it even, to make it right. A.) Schellachton, to hang up. (wilach, etc. Achgahamauwan, to distribute to somebody. Gendowewuniwi gischquik, Sunday. Achsinemhoan, pewter spoon. Apit, by the way. tenderness. Kajah! Mauwallauwin, to go hunting. William Penn Describes the Lenni-Lenape Indians of Pennsylvania Waktscheu, crooked; (bent, warped. Schingimikemossin, to work unwillingly. Tonquihilleu, open. Wulamissowe, a little while ago; (out of use. A.) Huh! Ahhino, a rich man; (dub., A.) Luchund, he is said to have said. Eluwantowit, God above all. Mbi, water. A.) Ponelendam, to quit, to give up, to be no more concerned. A.) Wapintschachke, garfish, with a bill like a duck. Juhuh! Machtschimaquot. Machtauchsuwi, sinful. Sipo, river. the redness of the morning sky. Ksukquon, heavy, hard, difficult. the boat wood, as canoes were made from it. there were many. Woakhattimi, mulberry; (mint'quakin A) Kotschemunk, out of doors, out of this place; without; A.) Mbiachgook, water snake. Majawiechton, to do orderly, to do properly, to compare. WebTheir Language is lofty, yet narrow, but like the Hebrew; in Signification full, like Short-hand in writing; one word serveth in the place of three, and the rest are supplied by the Understanding of the Hearer: Imperfect in their Tenses, wanting in their Moods, Participles, Adverbs, Conjunctions, Interjections. Quekulukquihilleu, lame. Gischalo'gen. Kpahi, shut the door; (kpah'hi'. Wewikit, master of the house. Wonachgulinschall, tips of the fingers. Papen'damen, to hear by chance; (error; it is an iterative Schiechikiminschi, maple tree; (the soft maple. other. Z., Majauchsin, to be of one mind. form, minquoquepu. advocates our cause. Lawantpe, crown of the head. See oteloos. a corruption of the English;pachgan- dikan is now confined Wiwunigagun, I am surrounded. Ajummen, to buy, to purchase. Kpaskhasu, stopped. (dub., A.) Woapiminschi, chestnut tree. Wipiechkeu, rotten wood. Wtitehan, to think, to conjecture; (now telitehan. Kimiwipengeen, Z., to commit adultery (lit., to Tatask, sled. A.) Guntschitangewagan, admonition, exhortation. Poaktschehellan, to jump over a fence. Gashikan, dishcloth; (a skin or cloth for rubbing. lit., the one who has produced the child, A) A.). A.) Wulapan, fine morning. Pemi, until now; about this time, at present. At the age of fifteen, the Lenape are forced to give up their captives. Sagalachgat, so deep the hole. A.) Nacha, three. Auwih! Tachpachelensuwi, low, little, humble. Gischachteu, it is clear, light. Nilchtin, to strike each other dead. A.) Kittachpanschi, spar, rafter; (any large piece of timber; Hopoakan, a pipe for smoking; (arch., A.) A.) Schawanochqueu, Keechitti, a little. ah! moon.) Memhallamund, merchant, trader. Schauwoppihilleu, it bends. Elsit, as he is minded, as he does. Pescngonk, nine. Achgumen, dull, cloudy. jocular. kettle.) Tepelendamoagan, sufficiency. eating by crunching the grains, A.) Schahamuis. Moochwetit, little worm. Pendaskitquehelleu, a rising river which swells the water Weuhokeyit, man; (ie., one who has a body, from hakey, Nan, that, that one, so; -wtenk, finally, at last; Sukelechen, it looks black. Pakantschiechton, to fulfill, to complete. A.) Tepilawen, to satisfy. Eschiwi, through. Alagendowenke, after Sunday. a yellow bark used in dying. A.) Wilawussall, his corn; his grain. Kihneu, sharp, biting, harsh, jealous; (means sharp, only. A.) Machtalohumauwan, to direct somebody the wrong way. Scheychellat, Z., a forerunner;scheyiaclipitstchik, Popohham, to knock. Juchnook, well! Mawewigawan, meeting house. glorify some one. Kschipsit, one that has the itch. Wattengiin, milt, spleen. A.) Patahowen, to overcome, to subdue. Aney, road, walking road, path. (alludes to harsh occurrences, A.) Nimat, my brother; (used also as friendly salutation between Amiga, long, a long time. long. Mekih, corruption, matter; (error; giving it up; an error A.) A.) Wuski, new. if you love. Maag, Z., female genitals. Achsin, stone; pl., chotachsin. Amintschiuchsowagan, disobedience. Wisachgirninschi, wild vine. Woapank, tommorrow. Littonhen, to preach in such a manner. Saschchuppawen, to gape, to yawn. Peschgonktchapachki, nine hundred Hokeyall, himself. Sakquamallsoa-an, trouble, uneasiness. Gischachtek, clear, light. A.). Pechuwihhilleu, the time is near. the water; (gamink. Machtitso, bad, ill. Wapanke, to-morrow. Tawonni, although. Shakochwen, to go so far. Nechohalennin, to be alone. Getaam, Z., the hazel nut. A.) Mehowimi, raspberry; (wild black raspberry. Gunaxit, long, tall, high. Gektemagelowagan, mercy.

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