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city of st john's fence regulations


Extra pipes The successors of the trustees shall be appointed in the manner provided for in the instrument. regulate or to prohibit the carrying on within the city or within 1.6 kilometres of the city of trades or businesses which in the opinion of the council do or may create a nuisance either to persons in their neighbourhood or to the general public; (g) Business improvement areas 56. For the purpose referred to in subsection (1) available money, whether representing capital or otherwise, may be used but a 10% greater premium shall not be paid upon the redemption or getting in of a share. work on land with a view to its division into 2 or more lots or parts. 340. Code of Canada (1)The rental value upon which taxes are to be paid shall be held to be the annual rent at which the property might reasonably be expected to let from year to year, notwithstanding the existence of a lease or agreement to let the property for a greater or lesser sum, or the actual annual rent at which the property is let based on the yearly, monthly or other rental payable under a lease or tenancy agreement or arrangement relating to the property, whichever rent is the larger, without a deduction from the rent being made or allowed in estimating the rental values other than the expenses of services supplied to the tenant of the property. 253. Lake Authority of limit and. Set-off day of (a) (2) 77. (4) 3. 15.1 5.01 to ____________________________________ and will not, except in the discharge of my duties, disclose the evidence or other matter brought before the board." Apportionment 1991 c35 s5; 1992 c48 s6; 1993 c34; 1995 c4 s1; 1995 cL-16.1 s30(3); 1995 cP-31.1 s53; 1996 cR-10.1 s11; 1996 c18; 1996 c32; 1997 c4; 1997 c13 s6; 1999 c38; 2000 c6; 2001 cM-20.2; 2001 c42 s8; RSN1970 c40 s2; 1974 No14 s2; 1975 No66 s2; 1977 c94 s21; and a person contravening this subsection shall for each offence be subject to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100, to be recovered in a summary manner before a. RSN1970 c40 s185; 1971 No14 s2; 1971 No70 s3; RSN1970 c40 s255; 1975-76 No9 s5; 1975-76 No72 s2; 1978 c45 s9; 1971 No14 s2; 1971 No70 s4; 1974 No57 Sch C; 1986 c42 Sch A; RSN1970 c40 s274; 1975-76 No9 s6; 1975-76 No72 s3; 1977 c57 s5; (1)The officers and members of the fire department, together with their fire engines, apparatus and appliances have the right-of-way over all traffic while proceeding to answer an alarm of fire. In this Act or rules, regulations or by-laws made under this Act, the words "development or subdivision of land" or the word "subdivide" include a division of land into 2 or more lots or parts or work on land with a view to its division into 2 or more lots or parts. Ground landlords' tax 82. to prepare all legal documents required by the city; (d) for the sweeping, cleaning and watering of the streets, gullies and drains; (c) (d) (6) 303. to fix and prescribe the duties and regulate the conduct of licensees in relation to the public and the rights and duties of the public in relation to licensees in all matters pertaining to their business; and. Before the 21st day of each month every agent shall remit to the council in respect of every gallon of fuel oil other than tax-exempt fuel oil, sold or delivered to consumers during the preceding month an amount equal to the tax imposed by this section. 350. (1)The council shall have power to employ and appoint and fix the salaries of those officers and employees that may be necessary to carry out this Act. 364. The person in charge of the fire department at a fire or other emergency may close all roads including highways, bridges and access to private property in the vicinity of the fire in the city or those areas over which the fire department has jurisdiction. Flag The city shall not be required to lay a service at a season of the year which in the opinion of the city engineer is not suitable for the performance of the work. It shall be the duty of the council to set apart annually out of the city revenue a sum sufficient to cover the expenses of the reasonable and proper maintenance and operation of the park in consonance with the manner in which it has been maintained and operated, and to pay the sum to the committee in the instalments and at the times that may be agreed upon between the committee and the council. (3) An action or other legal proceeding in respect of anything done under this section does not lie against the council or an official or employee of the council, where the action or other proceeding is not based on malfeasance or misfeasance. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $5 for every day during which the refusal persists. "occupier" or "occupant" includes a person in actual occupation of land or premises without regard to the title under which he or she is in occupation and in the case of premises subdivided and let to lodgers or various tenants the persons receiving the rent payable by the lodgers or tenants whether on his or her own account or on behalf of others; (p) knowingly gives the appraisers false information with regard to his or her ownership of a property, or to the rent which he or she derives from or pays for a property, or to the cost of property, or. (b) Where, during the progress of the work, the owner wishes to make a change in the plans and specifications which have been approved, he or she shall so notify the city engineer or the building inspector, and shall submit further plans and specifications for the approval of the city engineer or the building inspector who shall deal with them in the manner prescribed for the original plans. 22. lands and buildings of the Fire Department of the City of St. John's established under theSt.

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