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australia new zealand double tax agreement explanatory memorandum


[Article 4, paragraph 4]. [Article 3, subparagraph 1i)]. This Agreement contains Articles that are based on corresponding Articles contained in Australias bilateral tax treaties. Accordingly, such a penalty or interest liability would be excluded from calculations when determining the Australian resident taxpayers foreign income tax offset entitlement under paragraph 1 of Article 23 (pursuant to Division 770 of the ITAA 1997 Foreign Income Tax Offsets). 2.110 Where an enterprise performs services through an individual who is present in a country for a period exceeding 183 days in any 12month period, and more than 50percent of the gross revenues attributable to active business activities of the enterprise during this period are derived from those services, it will be deemed to have in that country a permanent establishment through which those activities are performed (unless the activities are of a type described in paragraph 7 of this Article and are of a preparatory or auxiliary nature). This means, for example, that information concerning Australian indirect taxes (for example, the goods and services tax (GST)) may be requested and obtained from Belgium. reduce or eliminate double taxation caused by overlapping tax For example, including provisions restricting the time in which transfer pricing adjustments and allowing taxpayers to have issues of fact resolved by arbitration in certain cases will provide greater certainty for taxpayers in their tax affairs. This reflects Australias usual practice of providing for taxation of profits from the exploitation of Australian land for the purposes of primary production under Article 7 (Business Profits). 2.254 This provision ensures that capital gains on a foreign residents indirect, as well as direct, interests in certain targeted assets are taxable by Australia. Esk Co, an Australia resident company, derives business profits from the sale of merchandise through an independent agent located in NewZealand. 3.16 The country requested to provide information under the new Article 26 is not obliged to do so where: it would be required to carry out administrative measures at variance with the law and administrative practice of either Australia or Belgium; or. The Convention further refines the concept of when a permanent establishment is taken to exist and the level of activity to constitute a permanent establishment. Due to an unexpected number of apprentices signing up for training, Bruce, another employee of Sushi Co, travels to NewZealand and spends four days assisting Itto. In conjunction with the Jersey Information Exchange Agreement, the Jersey Agreement will provide for greater cooperation between tax authorities to prevent tax avoidance and evasion. This would allow the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), in certain circumstances, to seek assistance from the NewZealand tax administration to collect Australian taxation debts in respect of all Australian federal taxes administered by the Commissioner, and vice versa [Article 27]. Such treatment applies whether the real property is held directly or indirectly through a chain of interposed entities. 2.287 The term to the extent that such income would not be subject to tax in the other State if the recipient were a resident of that other State would capture pensions and other similar remuneration that are treated under Australian law as: non-assessable non-exempt income; or. Comparison of key features of new law and current law. 5.23 This option would rely on the existing tax treaty and Protocol measures with an additional amending second Protocol covering both countries desired changes. Income derived by entertainers and sportspersons may generally be taxed by the country in which the activities are performed. 3.9 The change in wording from necessary used in the previous version of the Article to a foreseeably relevant standard reflects the wording in Article 26 (Exchange of Information) of the OECD Model and no difference in effect is intended. As paragraph 2 of this Article is subordinate to paragraph 1, the examples listed will only constitute a permanent establishment if the, Building site or construction or installation project, Agricultural, pastoral or forestry property, Manufacturing or processing on behalf of others, Where income from real property is taxable. Both these definitions are identical to the definitions added to the OECDModel concurrently with the deletion of Article 14 (Independent Personal Services). Leasing of industrial, commercial or scientific equipment will no longer constitute a royalty. The new Article 26 continues to provide for the exchange of tax information by the tax administrations of the two countries, but differs from the previous approach in the following ways: the scope is expanded to a wider ranges of taxes; the new provision clarifies that the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) is obliged to obtain information for Belgian tax authorities regardless of whether Australia has a domestic tax interest in the information sought or whether the information concerns a resident of either country; bank secrecy laws do not limit the exchange of information; and. 5.77 No costs for the community or other parties have been identified. The provisions of the Agreements Act 1953 (including the terms of the tax treaties) take precedence over inconsistent provisions of the: ITAA 1936 (other than the general anti-avoidance rules under Part IVA); FBTAA 1986 (other than section67 which is an antiavoidance rule).

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